About Me

Hi, I’m Roz, and thank you so much for visiting My Written Romance. I hope you enjoy checking out the reviews.

Who is this person, you ask?

I’m the mum of one very determined toddler, a voracious reader of romance novels, a passionate fan of the mighty Collingwood FC, a frustrated writer, and sadly I am the possessor of zero rhythm or athletic prowess.

I inhabit a grey cubicle by day but for the rest of the time, when not child-wrangling, I can often be found with my head buried in a book or glued to my e-reader. I’ve always loved to read. Ever since my mum started me reading when I was two, I have had an all-consuming love for the written word. I will read pretty much anything – biographies, thrillers, cookbooks – but ever since I was a teenager, my favourite genre has been romance.

Why romance?

I love a happy ever after. Who doesn’t? There’s something just so lovely about being on that journey with two people who find each other and in turn that they have found that one person with whom they want to share their lives.

Sometimes they’re crazy, sometime they make me cry, sometimes they make me want to jump into the page and slap someone. However, it is all worth it when at the end of a book, you close the cover and make good book noise….(sigh)

How did I get started reviewing?

I stumbled across the oh-so-magnificent romance blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books a few years ago while trying to find something out about a book I wanted to read. I loved (and still do love) how they are totally unapologetic about their love for romance novels, and the humour with which they often write is completely refreshing.

After finding this, I kept thinking to myself “OK, I’d love to do something like this. I could crap on about books until the cows come home”. So late in 2012, I decided to take the leap into reviewing, establishing this site and now here we are.

I don’t do this professionally, I do this because I just love books.

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